Research Projects
1. “Computerisation of Data on the 75 Primitive Tribes of India in MultimediaProgramme” sponsored by UGC (2004-2006).
2. “Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan a Programme for Universal Elementary Education,” sponsored by Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India. (2006).
Ph.D. Guidance
1. Dr. M. Rajendiran (2001) “Decision making in Educational administration of Higher Education”.
M.Phil Guidance
1. Mr. Umashankar Majhi (2004) “An analysis of the living conditions and the Educational problems of the Dongria Kondh Primitive tribe in Orissa State”.
2. Mr. N. Gnanapragasam (2004) “The problems of Education among the Kanikaran Tribes of Tamilnadu”.
3. Ms. Julia Lalmuanpuii (2005) “Educational Problems of the Tribal Youth in Rural areas of Mizoram”.
4. Mr. V. Sankar (2005) “The Status of School Education in The Union Territory of Pondicherry : Problems and Future Perspectives.
5. Mr. V. Devandirane (2003) “Ethnographic Profile and Educational Status of Paniyan Tribe in Nilgiri District of Tamil Nadu”.
6. P.Poonguzhaly (1994) “Status of women in India with reference to Education, Employment and Economy”.
7. Mrs. S. Latha (2002) “An Analysis of Problems in Primary Education in Pondicherry Region”.
Articles Published
1. “Tribal Education in South India problems of drop-out children and Future perspectives”. Journal of Education Research and Extension, Vol.37, No.3, April-June 2000 pp.36-46.
2. “Tribal Education in South India problems of drop-out children and Future perspectives”. Journal of Education Research and Extension, Vol.37, No.3, April-June 2000 pp.36-46.
3. “Educational Problems of Tribal Children in India – A Futuristic Study”, Indian Journal of Human Rights and Justice, pp 125-142, Vol.2, No.1-2, 2006. Serials Publications, New Delhi.
4. “Educational Status of Scheduled caste children and their development in Puducherry Region”, Indian Journal of Human Rights and Justice, pp 111-124, Vol.2, No.1-2, 2006. Serials Publications, New Delhi.
Books Published
1. "Strategic Planning for the Future Development of Tribes in India" Planning Commission, Government of India, New Delhi, 1999.
Service for the Development of Education
1. As a coordinator Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan conducted evaluation of Schools in Pondicherry Union Territory, quarterly recommendation were submitted to the Ministry of HRD for the development of the infrastructure of the Schools and the Students support to reduce the dropout rate in the state.